AI led follow on tools
Problem to Solve:
In cases where a collection gains popularity post-facto, the artist misses out on royalties.
But there is a lot of adjacent monetization possible from the collection. Right now there is no tool available to help the artists hop on to these adjacent opportunities and create follow-on surround content with ease.
While the original art requires creativity, there is possibly a template around follow-on surround content. This makes it easy to automate, especially as generative AI gets better and more accessible.
Possible Solution:
Building tools that allow artists to instantly list replicas, spin offs, merchandise and other related content are valuable at providing them a first mover’s advantage.
Collectors entering after the surge in popularity would also prefer to buy from the original artist over vampire attacks etc.
A studio that, for e.g., has a generative AI model trained on their initial collection, and an interface designed for the “follow on” playbook will be a valuable tool for artists. These kinds of tools can minimise the effort needed from artists for issuing such work and help them front-run any vampire attacks.
These tools may also have a view on leading indicators of success they could even tip off artists ahead of time saying “hey - now is a good time to think about a follow on for this collection”